Registration now up for Sweetwater tournament

Registration for the Big Bass Tournament of our 2nd annual Gulf Coast Sweetwater Classic is now online.  Part fly fishing festival and part tournament, the Sweetwater Classic will again be held out of scenic Percy Quin State Park near McComb, MS on September 17-18.

The event itself is FREE. Entry to the park for the event is FREE. Participation in the casting games, fly tying activities, seminars, etc. is FREE. The only costs are if you plan to fish the Saturday Big Bass Tournament ($30) and/or the Big Bream Contest on Friday ($5). ONLY if you plan to fish the tournament do you need to register. For the Big Bass Tournament, we are using the iAngler Tournament app/website for both registration and logging catches.

Please note that for 2021, fishing waters have been expanded this year to include Lake Okhissa near Bude.  We’ve expanded fishing times to allow anglers to accomodate the 45-minute drive to this trophy bass haven.  Both Okhissa and Lake Tangipahoa (the park lake) rank in the top 6 of big bass waters in Mississippi.  Equally important, both of these small lakes are kayak friendly and fly fishing friendly.

Please make sure to read all the details and rules. While there are many rules, most are simply common sense or legal fishing requirements. We want everyone to have a fun, but safe, time on the water.

To register, or to learn more about the Sweetwater Classic, click on the “Classic” menu.

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Time runs out for HB535

As mentioned in our last post, HB535 – the bill to create a nearshore exclusion zone along the Louisiana coast – was sent to a conference committee to work out differences between the amended bill passed by the Senate and the version passed by the House.  With just a few hours to go in the 2021 legislative session, the committee failed to reach a concurrence.

Despite very strong support for an exclusion zone in both the House and Senate chambers, the bill was “played out” by the Senate Natural Resources Committee Chairman such that it never got a chance for final passage.  The fight to create a nearshore buffer zone on the Louisiana coast is far from over.  Public sentiment and science are on our side.  What steps next remains to be seen.

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Where HB535 stands with one day to go

House Bill 535 in the 2021 Louisiana legislative session, sponsored by Rep. Joe Orgeron, is still alive but on life support as of this writing. As readers may recall, it was introduced in response to a failure by the LDWF Commission last Fall to consider a nearshore exclusion zone for the commercial harvest of menhaden. That proposal came after public outcry over numerous incidents where bull redfish, along with other gamefish and mammals, were found dead within close proximity of harvest boats. Outside of Louisiana, every other coastal state in the Gulf-Atlantic basin either has an exclusion zone, or prohibits menhaden harvest altogether.

The original request to the commission was for a one-mile buffer. HB535 was actually a compromise measure, reducing the buffer down to 1/2 mile. The FFI Gulf Coast Council, along with CCA Louisiana and several other conservation groups, came out publicly in strong support of HB535. The bill passed the House Natural Resources Committee, and then the House floor (full vote) by wide margins.

The bill then went to the Senate Natural Resources Committee where it hit a brick wall. Commercial fishing interests of all types – not just the menhaden industry – made a strong lobbying effort to the Senate NRC.  A “compromise” amendment was offered, reducing the buffer zone to 1/4 mile. It then went to the full floor of the Senate, where it passed by a vote of 35 to 3.

However, yesterday the House floor voted to reject the Senate amendments by a margin of 79-12. That means the bill must now go to conference. Three members of the House Natural Resources Committee and three members of the Senate Natural Resources Committee will meet to work out a compromise. If none is reached, HB535 is dead.

Complicating matters is the fact that tomorrow is the last day of the session. Any bills outstanding as of 6:00pm will be considered failed. The good news is, if a concurrence can be reached, both House and Senate can ratify immediately.

Two sources I spoke to this morning told me that a concurrence is likely, but that “the fight isn’t over” regardless of the outcome. One of the sources indicated there’s a real chance that Governor Edwards could veto. I checked with a legislator and his view was that the governor is more likely to not sign and let the bill become law by default. This is typically done when a governor doesn’t support legislation, but at the same time, wants to avoid a veto override session.

We shall see what the next 36 hours bring.

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Poster now available for Bikes and Bugs

Danielle Davidson, GCC Women Connect Director, has put together a poster for the inaugural “Bikes and Bugs” event coming up at Gulf State Park in Gulf Shores, AL, on Saturday, June 12th.   We’re asking that anyone wishing to support this free event please print off and display at businesses and other venues in your area.  You can download the poster by CLICKING HERE  (PDF format, 105kb)

Bikes & Bugs is just one of several events nationwide in celebration of Women’s Fly Fishing Month this June.   WFFM is dedicated to celebrating and encouraging the presence of female fly fishing anglers.   According to statistics from the Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation, women represent the largest increase in fly fishing participation in recent years.

For complete details on Bikes and Bugs, check out our May 13th post.

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GCC accepting nominations for 2022-2024 board

In accordance with the FFI Gulf Coast Council bylaws, elections of board directors are held every three (3) years.  The current term ends November 31st of this year.  In October, elections will be held for the next term that will serve from December 1st, 2021 through November 31st, 2024. 

The Nominating Committee is seeking candidates for the board.  The main restrictions are (1) you cannot nominate someone else,  (2)  you must be an FFI member in good standing, and (3) you must be willing to serve in a functioning capacity (e.g., officer, committee co-chair or member).

Keep in mind that elections are for board membership.  Specific positions such as officers and chairs are then voted on and filled by the newly-elected board at their first meeting (usually early December).  However, if a candidate for the board would like to be considered for a particular position, the candidate should state that in their resume.

Here is the information each candidate is being asked to submit:

  •  First and Last Name
  •  Contact Email & Phone
  •  A short paragraph about yourself and why you want to serve on the Board as well as what you believe you can bring to the board to serve as an asset.
  •  Club affiliation (if any).
  •  A photo that is vertical and high resolution (no sunglasses or poor fish out of water pictures)

The nominating committee will review candidates for qualifications prior to forwarding nominations onward to FFI.   The FFI office will then send out ballots to all members of the Gulf Coast Council.  Results will be announced in November.

For anyone considering nomination, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact A.J. Rosenbohm.  Click here to email A.J..

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GCC announces Women Connect Event on June 12th

Bikes and Bugs
Saturday, June 12, 2021
8:00am to 1:00pm
Gulf State Park, Gulf Shores, AL
No cost, but registration requested

As part of the 1st annual Women’s Fly Fishing Month this June, FFI Women Connect and the FFI Gulf Coast Council are excited to announce the first-ever “Bikes and Bugs”.   This free event will be held Saturday, June 12th at Gulf State Park in Gulf Shores, Alabama.  Anglers will pedal and fly fish their way around the park’s Lake Shelby in pursuit of bass, bream, gar, and anything else that bites. We’ll stop for an early lunch at Gulf State Park’s Woodside Restaurant and share experiences from our morning adventure.

– this is a free event
– we’ll meet up at 8:00am at Gulf Oak Ridge bike station
– BYOB (bring your own bike) -or- take advantage of Gulf State Park’s ride share program (bike rental)
– BYOFR (bring your own fly rod) -or- borrow an outfit courtesy of Eastern Shore Fly Fishers club
– BYOF (bring your own flies) -or- take advantage of free flies provided by the FFI Gulf Coast Council
– Other recommended gear: backpack, sunscreen, sunglasses, hat, bug spray, water.
– Total length of the trip is about 6 miles
– We’ll determine a time to meet at Woodside for lunch
– You will need an Alabama freshwater license.  Resident annual is $14. Non-resident 7-day trip is $30.

Register at Eventbrite at Again, there is NO cost for this event.

If you have any questions, please contact Danielle Davidson at (850) 529-9588 or

If you are on Facebook, please share this event by going to the “Fly Fishers International Gulf Coast Council” FB page, and clicking on Events.

About FFI Women Connect

Our mission is to create a community of women fly fishers where learning, sharing and inspiration are offered in a safe and non-intimidating environment, to develop and improve fly fishing and/or tying skills and offer new opportunities in a creative and fun manner. For more info, CLICK HERE.

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GCC expresses support for HB535

On Wednesday, the FFI Gulf Coast Council sent out a letter to each member of the Louisiana House of Representatives Natural Resources Committee (HNRC) urging them to approve a bill that would create an exclusion zone for the commercial harvest of menhaden.

HB535 by Rep. Joe Orgeron of Golden Meadow would create a 1/2 mile exclusion zone, with special one mile buffers in specific areas, and a 3-mile buffer zone off Grand Isle. These shoreline areas are spawning grounds for many species. Many species of fish – including redfish and speckled trout – depend upon menhaden as an important food source for growth and reproduction.

Of greater concern is the bycatch – estimated to be 20 million pounds. Photographic and video evidence of large numbers of dead (bycatch) redfish from these shoreline operations is what led to public outcry for exclusion zones.

The Gulf Coast Council urges its members and all Louisiana fly anglers to submit comments of support to the House Committee on Natural Resources by emailing to Please use the subject “I Support H.B. 535”.  The bill is scheduled to be heard on Wednesday, May 12th.

In the letter, the GCC Conservation Director also points out that Louisiana is one of only three states (out of 18) that allows largescale reduction harvest of menhaden – and the only state without a buffer zone.

FFI Conservation Committee Chairman Tom Logan stated the following, “Fly Fishers International formally endorses and joins our FFI Gulf Coast Council in support of HB535. Menhaden are essential forage for many species of Gulf game fish and this conservation measure will assist in recovery of stocks for benefit of those species and opportunities for fly fishing for them in Gulf coastal waters.”.

The letter also received the endorsement of FFI President & CEO Patrick Berry and FFI Chairman Dave Peterson.

FFI and the FFI Gulf Coast Council have been working with our conservation partners CCA, Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partners, IGFA, Billfish Foundation, Bonefish and Tarpon Trust, and several others in support of this measure, and with common goals for more sustainable menhaden management.

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Spring 2021 Gulf Streamer now online

The Spring 2021 edition of The Gulf Streamer, the newsletter of the Gulf Coast Council of Fly Fishers International, is now available to the public online. CLICK HERE to download (2.3mb, PDF format).

In this edition:

  • President A.J. Rosenbohm updates us on how clubs have adapted in the world of Covid-19.
  • Member feature: Donald Dehm, GCC Education Director, who teaches kayak fly fishing across the country.
  • Taking the Challenge. Sunfish Challenge, that is!
  • Catch Cormier tells the story behind the Rosborough Hares Ear, with tying instructions.
  • Details on the 2nd annual Sweetwater Classic in September
  • and more!

If you’re an FFI member, and affiliated with the Gulf Coast Council, and did not receive the newsletter via email last week, please contact the FFI office.

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