FFI Online February schedule

FFI Online Season Two continues this month. Whether it’s fly tying, fly fishing skills, conservation, FFI Women Connect, global fly fishing travel or more, these Zoom sessions are the next best thing to being on the water.

Monday, February 8 – 7:00pm CST
FFI Women Connect: From Novice to Champion with Kelsey Gallagher – Kelsey has earned 13 IGFA fly fishing records. Follow her journey from trout to saltwater fish to winning Grand Champion in the Women’s Tarpon Fly Tournament in Islamorada.

Tuesday, February 9 – 7:00pm CST
Fly Fishing Photography, including your iPhone, with Brian Keefe – One of the top outdoor photographers in the world shares tips and techniques to getting great photos of your fishing experience, using both bad and good examples. Have your smartphone ready as some will be hands-on instruction.

Thursday, February 18 – 7:00pm CST
Born to Be Wild: How Science can Inform Recovery of Wild Idaho Salmon and Steelhead – join the Conservation Committee with our guest speaker on possible strategies for recovery of these historic fisheries.

Join these live webinars through the Zoom app (PC or mobile). All sessions are open to the public. To participate, click on the FFI Online Page, then click on the appropriate Zoom session link.

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Tying Flies of the FFI Silver Skills Award

Award-winning tier Jerry Coviello will present a 9-week presentation on Flies of the Silver Fly Tying Award, beginning Tuesday, January 19th. The online video sessions will continue thru March 16th. All times are 8:00pm CST.

The FFI Tying Skills Awards Program provides FFI members with the opportunity to develop or reinforce their fly tying skills and test their progress against a consistent standard at three levels: Bronze, Silver and Gold. For most tiers, this program will expand their horizons by tying flies and/or using techniques they’ve not done before. Making them better all-around tiers.

Each week, Jerry will go over a different fly and explain how to tie it and what the Fly Tying Award Evaluators are looking for. He will also explain the new flies added to the award, and what is coming soon for the awards system.

For the Silver Tying Award, participants are required to present THREE (3) samples each of SIX (6) flies of the NINE (9) listed patterns. They may choose 5 of the 9 patterns they wish to tie, but the Ginger Quill is a required 6th pattern that all award seekers must submit.

Here is the schedule of online clinics:
Jan. 19 – Ginger Quill
Jan. 26 – Beadhead Prince Nymph
Feb. 2 – Leftys Deceiver (saltwater streamer)
Feb. 9 – Troth Elk Hair Caddis (dry fly)
Feb. 16 – The Blue Charm Hair Wing (salmon/steelhead)
Feb. 23 – Parachute Adams (dry fly)
Mar. 2 – Borski’s Redfish Slider (saltwater)
Mar. 9 – Resin Sand Eel, aka Surf Candy (saltwater)
Mar. 16 – Merkin Crab (saltwater)

Registration is required. There are only 100 openings.


Once you register, you will receive the Link and Passcode for these presentations.

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FFI Online remaining December schedule

Between now and the new year, enjoy a host of online presentations from Fly Fishers International featuring experts in various fields, as well as some of the most recognized names in our sport. Whether it’s fly tying, fly fishing skills, conservation, FFI Women Connect, global fly fishing travel or more, these Zoom sessions are the next best thing to being on the water.

Monday, December 14 – 7:00pm CST
Fishing Steelhead Alley – a look at this fantastic Great Lakes fishery including locations, techniques, gear and rigging.

Tuesday, December 15 – 7:00pm CST
How to Get Certified: The Road to Casting Instructor Certification – Casting Committee Chair Bruce Williams and Audrey Wilson share how to get started on certification.

Wednesday, December 16 – 7:00pm CST
Legends of Fly Tying with Gary Borger – Buz Buzcek Award winner and fly fishing legend Gary Borger will demonstrate his Down & Dirty Minnow, and share tips for working with Craft Fur.

Thursday, December 17 – 7:00pm CST
Arctic Grayling History, Recovery, and Restoration in Michigan – Michigan State University Ph.D. student, Nicole Watson, shares her insight into one of the most coveted targets of many coldwater fly anglers.

Wednesday, December 23 – 7:00pm CST
Legends of Fly Tying with Dave Whitlock – Pattern TBA. Zoom in as fly fishing icon Dave Whitlock shares insight from his many decades of tying innovation and experience.

Join these live webinars through the Zoom app (PC or mobile).  All sessions are open to the public. To participate, click on the FFI Online Page, then click on the appropriate Zoom session link.

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2021 Sweetwater Classic moved to September 17-18

Gulf Coast Sweetwater Classic
Friday-Saturday, September 17-18, 2021
Percy Quin State Park, McComb, MS
FREE admission to park & festival
Classic tournament entry fee: $30
Big Bream Contest entry fee: $5

  • Due to continuing concerns about Covid-19, and possible restrictions limiting events in February, the GCC Board has voted to move the Classic to September.  All rooms and cabins booked in the park can be moved to the later date with NO extra fees!  Please contact Percy Quin State Park if you have already made reservations.

The FFI Gulf Coast Council will host our 2nd annual Sweetwater Classic fly fishing festival and freshwater tournament once again on lovely Percy Quin State Park in Mississippi. This event will feature two tournaments, fly tying demonstrations, flycasting instruction, a Casting Skills Challenge, an Iron Fly Tying competition, seminars, a large raffle to benefit the GCC’s education and conservation initiatives, and possibly more!

While the Big Bream Contest will again take place on Lake Tangipahoa inside the state park, the GCC Events Committee has agreed to extend the boundaries of Saturday’s Classic to include Lake Okhissa, one of the premier bass fisheries in the South.

PQSP has nearly two dozen cabins and several motel rooms available for daily rental, as well as top-notch RV facilities, and tent campsites. PLEASE book early as weekend rental of cabins are very popular. If you already booked for the February weekend, you can reschedule for the September weekend at NO extra fees.  There are also numerous motels and restaurants in nearby McComb, roughly five miles from the park entrance.

More details will be coming in the months ahead on our Classic web page (see top menu). Also, an iAngler registration website will be up in early 2021.

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LWF Commission declines action on menhaden restrictions

For the second time in three months, the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission opted to punt rather than deal directly with a growing conservation issue related to coastal fisheries.

At their November 5th meeting, the LWFC was to consider a motion of intent to create a exclusion zone for menhaden fishing. Pogey boats would have to fish outside one mile of the coastline. The purpose would be to (1) limit bycatch of recreational species common within one mile, and (2) avoid conflicts with other user groups.

Instead, the Commission voted to adopt a motion to extend a “gentleman’s agreement” on exclusion zones within areas where shoreline recreational fishing was most common. That would basically be Grand Isle, Elmer’s Isle, and Holly Beach. Currently such an agreement exists with the town of Grand Isle. However it was pointed out in the meeting that this has been broken numerous times by certain vessels – and there are no penalties for doing so.

Commissioners were swayed by arguments from Omega Corporation, the state’s only menhaden producer, that LDWF studies showed very little bycatch – only 2 percent of redfish and speckled trout. Even though those studies were decades old. Supporters of the exclusion zone also failed to point out reasons that ALL other coastal states have an exclusion zone. This may have been effective in countering Omega’s arguments.

Back in September, the Commission voted to delay action on reducing speckled trout limits from 25 to 15, with an increase in minimum size from 12″ to 13″. Instead, they opted for yet another study on seatrout recruitment with results to be presented at the LWFC October 2021 meeting.

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LWFC to hear proposal for menhaden restrictions

This Thursday, November 5th, the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission will consider a notice of intent to establish an exclusion zone for commercial menhaden fishing at their monthly meeting in Baton Rouge. Meeting time is 9:30am.

Agenda Item #9 reads “Receive and Consider a Notice of Intent to Establish an Exclusion Zone for Commercial Menhaden Fishing – by Commissioner Chad Courville with Supplemental Information Presented by Jason Adriance, Marine Fisheries Biologist”. The proposal being put forth is a one-mile exclusion zone for commercial harvesting from the Louisiana coastline.

These small, oily baitfish are of significant importance to anglers, even if they aren’t a target species. That’s because they’re an essential food source for most gamefish in the Gulf and Atlantic waters, as well as whales, dolphins, and other marine species. They’re also a highly valuable commercial species. Billions of menhaden each year are processed into fish oil, fish meal, fertilizers, cosmetics and other products.

In recent years, menhaden harvest has increased and created conflicts with recreational anglers, as well as put gamefish species at risk. Thousands of spawning size red drum each year are killed as a result of bycatch. And according to some researchers, the nearshore harvest of menhaden may be responsible for a decrease in the total biomass of red drum and spotted seatrout – as much as fifty percent!

While a one-mile zone is certainly better than the status quo, the FFI Gulf Coast Council would prefer to see it extended to 2 or even 3 miles. The reason is that large numbers of nearshore spotted seatrout and red drum that depend on menhaden often exist beyond the one-mile boundary. Extending the boundary would not only reduce the bycatch of red drum, but perhaps offset the need for drastic limit changes in speckled trout.


Due to the public health emergency guidelines established in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, only 40 members of the public will be allowed in the meeting room. However, the meeting will be broadcast via Zoom.

To attend via webinar, first register at:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Public Input

The GCC strongly encourages it’s Louisiana members to speak up on this item!  While attending and speaking in person may not be likely, the public can send comments to the Commission in advance of the meeting.  Please email to Comments@wlf.la.gov by 5:00pm, Wednesday, November 4th. Your email must include the agenda item # (9) in the subject of your email. The body of your message should include your name and address before your comment.

No comments will be accepted via webinar.

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FFI Online, Season 2, kicks off this Wednesday

As the COVID-19 pandemic hit this past Spring, many organizations took their communications with members online, utilizing video conferencing tools like Zoom, Webex and Google Meets. Fly Fishers International jumped in with both feet, initiating a popular series called FFI Online. The purpose was to keep all fly fishers connected to the sport they love – as well as the FFI experience. Topics of virtual content included casting, fly tying, fly fishing skills, conservation, FFI Women Connect, global fly fishing travel and more.

For Season 2, FFI Online has added “Legends of Fly Tying” series featuring some of the foremost tiers whose contributions to the art are widely recognized. Featured tiers will include Dave Whitlock, Gary Borger, Al and Gretchen Beatty, Scott Sanchez, Peggy Brenner, Mike George, and Jim Ferguson.

In addition, new episodes will include presentations on how to become an FFI Certified Casting Instructor, Conservation Conversations, more of Jeff Currier’s “Global Fish Quest”, and more.

Episodes will be broadcasted live on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings at 7:00pm CST. Season 2 kicks off on Wednesday, November 4th and continues to March 2021. For a listing of episodes, with links to join each webcast, CLICK ON THIS LINK.

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Support regional Casting for Recovery and win a BGE!

Casting for Recovery (CfR) provides fly fishing retreats for women with breast cancer, at no cost to the participants. These outdoors-focused retreats offer opportunities for women to find inspiration, discover renewed energy, and xperience healing connections with other women and nature. The retreats are open to women with breast cancer of all ages, in all stages of treatment and recovery.

The FFI Gulf Coast Council and its member clubs are big supporters of Casting for Recovery Southeast Regional Program. Here’s your chance to build on that support and possibly win a Big Green Egg package worth over $1300!

CFR Southeast is raffling off the following: one large Big Green Egg with shelves, nest, convector. It comes with a $100 gift certificate to Watson Brothers Patio & Hearth, two Big Green Egg themed kitchen towels, and two custom-designed masks (monogrammed, pick your colors and fabric).

The winner will be drawn on Wednesday, October 7, 2020 and notified via email. So PLEASE don’t hesitate! The winner will need to pick up their BGE in Auburn, Alabama.

All proceeds support the CFR SE Regional program which provides free healing retreats for women with breast cancer in LA, MS, AL & the FL Panhandle.

Raffle tickets are $20 each, or 6 for $100.

To purchase tickets, CLICK HERE.


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