Alabama Marine Resources Division to host public meetings

The Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (ADCNR) Marine Resources Division (MRD) will host three public meetings to discuss potential regulation changes and the status of several saltwater species. The meetings will take place in November and December and are open to the public.

The meetings cover a wide variety of marine fisheries topics, several of which are of great interest to fly anglers.

Topics for discussion include:

  • Retention of bag limits by captain and crew of Alabama commercial party boats
  • Remove allowance for oversized red drum
  • Tripletail status
  • Sheepshead status
  • Creating bag and size limit for common snook
  • Creating bag limit for skates and stingrays
  • Commercial flounder limits
  • Commercial shark fishing in Alabama waters
  • Red snapper status

Spanish Fort
Tuesday, November 19, from 6-7:30 p.m.
Spanish Fort Community Center
7361 Spanish Fort Blvd., Spanish Fort, AL

Orange Beach
Thursday, November 21, from 6-7:30 p.m.
Orange Beach Event Center at the Wharf
4671 Wharf Parkway, Orange Beach, AL

Tillman’s Corner
Tuesday, December 3, from 6-7:30 p.m.
Tillman’s Corner Community Center
5055 Carol Plantation Rd., Mobile, AL

You can also attend the meeting online at

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GCC fly anglers recognized with national awards

Yesterday Fly Fishers International (FFI) announced the recipients of their 2024 Awards of Achievement. These annual awards acknowledge individuals and organizations who have advanced the FFI’s mission of conservation, education, and community.

Two members of the Gulf Coast Council were recognized.

Fred Hannie of Lake Charles is recognized as one of the premier realistic fly tiers in the world.  The former Fly Tying Chairman for the GCC has been active in many fly fishing events across the region and South, and served on the FFI Fly Tying Committee.  An author, artist, and instructor, he will be honored with the Buz Buszek Memorial Fly Tying Award, given to individuals “who have demonstrated highest skills and made significant contributions to the preservation of the artwork of fly tying”.

Glen ‘Catch’ Cormier of Cotile has been Conservation Director for the FFI Gulf Coast Council for the past 6 years, and a member of the FFI Conservation Committee and FFI Grants Subcommittee for the same time.  He was also a co-founder of the GCC and its first president.  Involved in numerous conservation organizations for over 40 years, he will receive the FFI Conservationist of the Year Award.  This award recognizes “individuals, groups, or organization that has made extraordinary contributions to the conservation of our fishery resources”.

Fred, Catch, and other 2024 FFI award recipients will be recognized in an Awards Ceremony to be held online on November 13th at 7:00pm CST. The public is welcomed to watch.  For more details on these recipients, their accomplishments, and other recipients, check out the Fly Fishers International news page – CLICK HERE.

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2025 Calendar of Events posted

Every year about this time we post events for the coming year taking place across the Gulf Coast Council, hosted by our member clubs or supporting/partner organizations.  As well as events taking place in adjacent councils – Texas, Southern, Southeastern and Florida.

If you have a minute or two, please go to our Calendar page and check these out.  We’ll have more details on each one as the event nears, or as more complete information is given.   Here are a few coming up this Spring that should definitely be on your radar:

  • Sat., Jan. 25 – New Orleans Fly Fishing Expo, St. Christopher the Martyr School, Metairie, LA.  Free admission.  This biennial event (every odd year) is hosted by the New Orleans Fly Fishers Club and features tying, casting, vendors, seminars, raffles, and more.
  • Jan. 31 – Feb. 2 – Atlanta Fly Fishing Show, GAS South Center, Duluth, GA.  The largest commercial fly fishing show in the South offers everything, including free casting and fly tying instruction from FFI representatives who will be exhibiting at the event.
  • Sat., Mar. 8 – Red Stick Day, LDWF Waddill Education Center, Baton Rouge.  Free admission.  The 30th annual Red Stick Day features tying, casting, vendors, seminars, raffles, more.  Includes kayak demos and fishing on the premises.
  • Thur.-Sat., Mar. 27-29 – Sowbug Roundup, Baxter County Fairgrounds, Mountain Home, AR.  Sowbug is the largest club event in America, featuring over 140 tiers from across the country, plus seminars, vendors, raffles, classes, and much more.
  • Fri-Sat., May 2-3, – FFI Gulf Coast Classic, Gulf State Park, AL.  Our 3rd annual Classic returns to Gulf Shores, along with fly tying, casting, seminars, classes, keynote speaker, film tour, Mixed Bag fishing contest, onsite lodging and much more.
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GCC announces 2024 Achievement Awards

Since 2007, the Gulf Coast Council has annually recognized members and clubs for their efforts to promote and advance fly fishing, fly tying, conservation and community within the GCC.

Each award recipient will receive a personalized mug with their name and award. The mug features an abstract of a redfish tail. It makes for a great ornament on bookshelves or coffee tables, or for use in enjoying hot beverages.

The list of nominees and their achievements will also be published in the Fall issue of our newsletter, The Gulf Streamer. Below is a summary of that info.

Fly Fisher of the Year – Brian Roberts

Awarded to individual(s) whose dedication to the sport has been exemplary, and whose contributions have benefitted one or more aspects of fly fishing or the fly fishing community.

Brian is President of the Red Stick Fly Fishers in Baton Rouge, LA. Under Brian’s leadership the club has flourished and attracted a number of new members. His organizational skills have allowed the club to take on new projects and goals, setting a high bar. As an angler, Brian was the first to achieve the Master Level of the GCC’s Suncatch Challenge (16 species). He also served as the official photographer for the 2024 GCC Classic. Whenever a volunteer is needed for a mission, Brian has been at the front. Truly a well-deserved honor!

Youth Angler of the Year – Noah Hoyt

Given to an individual under 18 years of age who has exhibited exceptional fly fishing skills, and/or contributed to his club or community.

As a high schooler, Noah has been a very active member of the Kisatchie Fly Fishers, demonstrating superb casting and fly tying skills, and participating in the club’s Mixed Bag Challenge. Regarding the MBC, in 2023 he finished in fourth place, ahead of many veteran fly anglers in the club. His dedication to the sport has earned him the respect and admiration of his fellow club members.

Excellence in Conservation – Robinson Almeida

Recognizes an individual or club that has made outstanding contributions to the conservation of our fisheries resources and/or their habitats, through projects or activism.

During a trip to Alabama last September, Robinson expressed concerns about the amount of trash he was encountering along local waterways. He was cleaning up what he could, but wanted to find a way to actively involve the fly fishing community in cleaning up our waters.

Robinson came up with an initiative called #SackUpforCleanWater. With support of his club (Red Stick Fly Fishers), he accepted the role of Conservation Chair and instituted the program. The club conducts monthly #SackUp events, often joined with casting clinics, at some lake or pond. He has also initiated collaborative efforts with Coaltion to Restore Coastal Louisiana (CRCL) and Clean Pelican organizations.

Excellence in Education – Jeff Ferguson

Honor bestowed upon an individual or club that has excelled in teaching one or more elements of our sport to others (e.g., fly casting, fly tying, rod building, fly fishing techniques).

Jeff is an FFI Master Certified Casting Instructor (MCI) and a Level-2 Examinar, as well as a member of the FFI North American Events Committee. He helped organize the largest casting certification event in U.S. history, and conducts casting clinics at all levels from beginning to advanced. In 2023, he received the FFI’s Mel Krieger Casting Award and in 2019, he was honored with the FFI Council Award of Excellence.

Over the past 18 months, Jeff has conducted casting clinics or given presentations on casting to various clubs and at events across the Gulf Coast Council and the South. He has continued to organize one of the very few FFI Casting Certification Testing programs in the country right here in the GCC. Jeff was also instrumental in organizing the very successful and highly popular casting workshops at the 2024 Gulf Coast Classic in Gulf Shores.

Fly Tying Achievement Award – Glen ‘Catch’ Cormier

Recognizes lifetime contributions to the art of fly tying, through any combination of accomplishment, innovation, teaching, publication, or promotion of the art.

For over three decades, Catch has innovated nearly two dozen patterns, some original and some variations of both modern and traditional flies. His flies have been published in several magazines and books. Many of his flies can be found on his website at and several on his Youtube Channel and on the Kisatchie Fly Fishers Channel, where he continues to add content.

He’s conducted tying clinics on introductory tying, “Basic Saltwater Marsh Flies” and “The Magnificient Seven Panfish Flies”. For a period of 6 years, he and fellow Red Stick club member Jody Titone conducted a fly tying course through the Leisure Program at Louisiana State University.

Catch has tied at over three dozen events, including the ISE Expo, FFI National Conclave, Fly Tyers Weekend, Sowbug Roundup, Fly Tying Group Rendezvous, as well as council and club events across the Mid South, Southeast and Rocky Mountains. To learn more about his tying background and the story behind a few of his more well-known  flies, check out this article in On The Fly South magazine.

Club Community Award – Panhandle Fly Fishers

Awarded to a club that has been very active outside its membership, contributing to the community, or benefitting charitable organizations.

Panhandle Fly Fishers of Destin has been a supporting club to Project Healing Waters since 2015. One of three clubs in the Gulf Coast Council to do so. Founded in 2005, Project Healing Waters was created to serve individuals who were seeking care after having returned from combat in Iraq and Afghanistan. Since the establishment of that original program, the organization has spread nationwide and now serves more than 9,700 veterans in 225 programs in 48 states.

Over the past 18 months, the Panhandle club has been involved at a high level in the PHW program, assisting with tying and casting sessions, but also taking these veterans on fishing excursions. This past year, they even conducted a rod building clinic for PHW veterans. At this year’s Gulf Coast Classic, they were one of the most visited exhibitors, proving that interest in the program is more popular than ever.

Friend of the Council – Sam Sumlin

Recognizes an individual or group, outside of the GCC, whose actions and involvement has contributed to the success of the Council.

Sam has been an avid supporter of the Gulf Coast Council and active in the logistical organization of the Gulf Coast Classic. He has been the designer of the promotional poster for the first two Gulf Coast Classics. He gives unselfishly of his time and talent with his design expertise and is always attentive to any requests the council has asked of him.

In addition, Sam has been a point of contact and information for conservation issues around Mobile Bay and along the Alabama coast. He is also an excellent angler and willing to share his fishing expertise with others, as he did at the 2024 Gulf Coast Classic.

President’s Award – Donald Dehm

Selected by the Council president, recognizing an individual who has made outstanding contributions to the organization, and/or to our members and clubs.

Even before he moved to coastal Alabama, Donald was doing great things inside our Council. He’s since done a great job as both GCC Education Director and Treasurer, as well as the architect and engineer of our successful Gulf Coast Classic. He’s also been an advisor to the Conservation Chair on issues in Alabama and the Florida Panhandle.

Donald has produced countless Youtube instructional videos on both fly fishing and kayak fishing. He’s active in social media in both realms, and often the top expert on a particular forum. He also enjoys photography, with emphasis on birds and scenery.

For more on each of these and other awards, as well as listing of previous honorees, check out the “Awards” page under the “Resources” menu.

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FFI Continuing Education: membership has benefits!

If you’re an FFI Certified Casting Instructor (any level) , a member of the FFI Fly Tying Group, or a member of Women Connect, then one of the perks of membership is access to continuing education seminars. These are presented on the Zoom platform / app and participants can ask questions.

These are scheduled as follows:
– CE for Casting Instructors: first Saturday, every even month, time TBA
– FTG Online Tying Technique Demos: 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month, 7:00pm CT
– Women Connect:  typically quarterly, date and times TBA

The presenters are not limited by geographic location, and it’s not unusual for someone from Australia or Europe to be featured. For this reason, the time for the casting seminars vary each month. The time for the FTG workshops can vary, but are often as scheduled above.

Some of the featured presenters include: Al Beatty, Fred Hannie, Dutch Baughman, Fred Dupre, Tim Rajeff, Graeme Hird, Rick Williams, Peggy Brenner, Jen Lofgren and many others.

To attend the CI-CE seminars, you must be an FFI Certified Casting Instructor or in the process of becoming a CI. For the FTG-CE seminars, you simply need to be a member of the FFI Fly Tying Group, and for the WC seminars you just need to be a member of Women Connect. There’s no pre-requiste for membership in FTG or WC other than filling out a form and paying a nominal dues in addition to FFI membership dues.

For more info, go to

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Toledo Bend Rendezvous just weeks away!

North Toledo Bend Rendezvous
Friday-Sunday, October 18-20, 2024
North Toledo Bend State Park, Zwolle, LA

Fall is finally here and that means it’s time for Rendezvous! This annual event is a casual gathering with no organized activities. Everyone is welcomed to come fish, tie flies, watch some of the region’s tying fly tiers, or do some casting on the lawn in front of the meeting hall. The overnight accomodations are CHEAP and there’s always lots of food!

For those unfamiliar with this event, it began 34 years ago when members of the Pineywoods Fly Fishers and North Louisiana Fly Fishers met at the state park to camp and fish. The following year, the clubs decided to rent the group facility. Since then, fly tiers and other fly fishing enthusiasts from across several states – along with their families – have gathered for a weekend of fly tying and fishing with only a minimal fee to cover lodging and meals. Some are members of clubs, some are not. Rendezvous is open to all!

The excellent facilities at North Toledo Bend State Park are ideal for a Fall weekend fly tying retreat. Activities take place at the park’s group facility, which features a commercial kitchen and dining hall, and lodging available for up to 150 people in 5 heated log bunkhouses (30 beds each). There’s also a heated central shower and restroom building with nice night lighting on all the sidewalks.

Rendezvous continues to be a gathering for some of the top fly tiers in the country, most of whom have been featured at regional and national expos. Whether you come to tie, or come to watch and learn, or just partake the great scenery, fishing and on-the-water location, you’ll be glad you came!

Fees. If you come as a family, the rate for the entire weekend for the whole family or individual is just $40 which includes lodging. For one night lodging, the fee is $20. If you just plan to visit for the day, the fee is $10. Be sure to sign in at our registration table in the dining hall.

For complete details, go to the Toledo Bend Rendezvous website at

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ASGA Symposium coming to New Orleans this month

3rd annual ASGA Fisheries Science Symposium
Friday, September 27th

10am – 3pm
Southern Yacht Club, New Orleans
Free admission but pre-registration required

The American Saltwater Guides Association will host their third Fisheries Science Symposium at the Southern Yacht Club in New Orleans. It will feature a comprehensive lineup of guest speakers and presentations focused on current events, research and management updates for iconic Gulf species like redfish and jack crevalle.  They’ll also take a peak at artificial intelligence and it’s use in the future of fisheries data.

Over the past year, ASGA was a partner with the FFI Gulf Coast Council and other allies in the battle to get sensible new regulations for red drum, speckled trout, and menhaden here in Louisiana.  In addition, ASGA Vice President and Policy Director Tony Friedrich was our Keynote Speaker at our 2024 Gulf Coast Classic back in May.

We strongly encourage all fly fishers and other conservationists to attend and learn more about key marine fisheries.   And to learn about REAL conservation measures that will help these species see long-term abundance.

While the event is free, there’s a maximum capacity and a deadline of Tuesday, September 17th to register.  For complete details or to register, CLICK HERE.

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Mark your calendar for these Fall events

We often think of late Winter and Spring as the time for fishing-related events. But here in the South, Fall can be just as active. Here are some popular activities taking place both within the Council and our neighboring councils over the next 3 months.

Sept. 14 – Natchitoches Fly Tying Festival, Natchitoches. This is a new event hosted by the ArkLaTexOma Fly Tiers. Many top fly tiers from across several states will be on hand to demonstrate their tying skills. It’s the same weekend as the world famous Meat Pie Festival so there’ll be plenty of activities for non-fishing person in your life (if they come along). For more info, go to the ArkLaTexOma Tiers Facebook page  CLICK HERE.

Sept. 27-28 – FFI Fly Tying Group Rendezvous, Springlake Event Center, Dallas, TX. The Fly Tying Group of Fly Fishers International will hold their 2nd annual Rendezvous close to our border for 2024. This event features some of the top fly tiers from across the country and beyond showing their skills Friday and Saturday. There will also be classes on a variety of tying subjects, a banquet and fundraising event on Friday evening, and more. For more info, CLICK HERE.

Sept. 28 – National Hunting and Fishing Day. NHFD is recognized by Congress as the last Saturday in September each year. For over three decades, Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries has held celebrations at four venues statewide. Admission is free. There are hands-on activities for all ages, plus exhibits, food, and more. The Woodworth and Baton Rouge venues have fly fishing and fly tying supported by local clubs. For details, go to

Sept. 28 – Rio Grande Rumble. Hosted by the New Orleans Fly Fishers, it’s the largest and oldest freshwater fly fishing tournament in the South – now entering it’s 15th time. The target species is the rio grande perch, the only cichlid native to the United States, but an invasive to Louisiana. Pre-registration is now open, and onsite registration is available. Onsite registration and weigh-in will be at No Wake Outfitters 1926 Airline Drive, Metairie, LA. For details and to pre-register, go to the Rio Grande Rumble website or visit the NOFFC website at

Oct. 18-20 – Toledo Bend Rendezvous, North Toledo Bend State Park, Zwolle, LA. A tradition for over three decades, fly tiers and other fly fishing enthusiasts from across several states – along with their families – gather for a casual weekend of fly tying and fishing with only a minimal fee to cover lodging and meals. Some are members of clubs, some are not. Rendezvous is open to all!

There are no organized activities. Everyone is welcome to come fish, tie flies, watch some of the region’s top tiers, or tie themselves. You can come for the day or the entire weekend. If you come as a family, the rate for the entire weekend for the whole family or individual is just $40 which includes lodging. For one night lodging, the fee is $20 and for day only the fee is $10. For details, go to the Toledo Bend Rendezvous website at

Oct. 26 – Kingfisher Classic. Lee University, Cleveland, TN. 9:00am – 4:30pm. Hosted by the FFI Southeastern Council.  Now in its second year, the Classic is a celebration of fly tying featuring tiers from across the southeast states and beyond. Come and watch, or learn how to tie flies. There’s also casting demonstrations, and a silent auction of guide trips, fly gear, tying tools, art and more. For details, go to

Nov. 9-10 – The Round-Up (Sat) and The Gathering (Sun). Millican Reserve in College Station, TX. Hosted by Aggieland Fly Fishers and FFI Texas Council. There’s casting seminars, fly tying demos, a fishing tournament, Kids Zone, and evening dinner with entertainment. On Sunday is “The Gathering”, a day of casting continuing education for fly casting instructors and those interested in furthering their casting knowledge. Reservations are required for The Gathering, as the event is capped at 40 attendees. For details on both events, go to

To keep up with all these events, please routinely check our Calendar Page, or follow us on Facebook.  If your club has an event open to the public, send us the details and we’ll add to the Calendar and promote here.

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