GCC discusses red drum changes with LDWF biologists

This week, the FFI Gulf Coast Council held a phone conference with marine biologists from Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, with regards to the current stock assessment of red drum in Louisiana. Discussed in detail were potential management proposals that the GCC might be willing to endorse.

Before continuing, if you are not familiar with this issue – and even if you are – we strongly recommend you listen to Episode 2 from The Redfish Podcast. Captains Ty Hibbs, Shane Mayfield and Dave Best do an excellent job of explaining the problem and solution alternatives.

Also, Tony Friedrich – VP and Policy Director of the American Saltwater Guides Association – has this video similiarly explaining the problem and potential management solutions.

The baseline of discussion was that GCC would demand at LEAST A MINIMUM of 40 percent reduction in harvest, and the elimination of the one oversized slot. If you listen to the podcast or watch Tony’s video, you’ll understand why the 35% baseline reduction is wholly inadequate. A 40% reduction cuts the recovery time almost in half compared to the baseline reduction. Proposals for a 50% reduction were also discussed, and we could certainly support that.  However, we do need to endorse a proposal that has a very good chance of passing both the Wildlife Commission and Legislative Oversight Committee.

Here are some takeaways from this week’s meeting:

1. While there’s no consensus on any particular management solution, there is stronger support for a lower-size slot limit, e.g., 17-25 over 19-27 inches. Apparently many anglers prefer the “good eating sized” redfish to keep.

2. Anything less than 3 fish per day has very little chance of passing the Commission. However, just a two inch tightening of the slot could allow the creel to be 3 or 4 fish per day and meet our 40% reduction requirement. So it’s a balancing act.

3. I questioned why there was no proposal for having a one-fish-per-year oversized tag like Texas and Virginia have. Apparently there are legal obstacles.

4. Eliminating the guide’s catch. Even if applied to the conventional tackle guides who do this, would only result in a 1 percent reduction. Not enough to affect the SPR or recruitment, but we could still support this.

5. In our presentation on Conservation Topics in the Gulf Coast Council, we point out the red drum regulations for the 11 other states that manage this species. Three states have intense redfish stocking programs. The biologists and I agree this is NOT a solution at this time.

The GCC Board will have a couple meetings over the next few weeks to discuss options for an endorsed management plan for red drum. We’ll be discussing this issue with our conservation partners and hopefully come in with a united plan.

Charts: (l) Juvenile Escapement  (r) Spawning Potential Ratio


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LA conservationists to once again tackle menhaden issue

Locations of menhaden vessel harvests 2022

For the third time in three years, conservation groups in Louisiana will attempt to establish a coastwide buffer zone for commercial harvest of menhaden (pogies). Rep. Joe Orgeron has filed HB 576 for the 2023 legislative session which, if passed, would establish a state waters catch limit and a coastwide buffer zone of 1/2 mile. In other words, no harvest of menhaden could take place within a half-mile of the state-defined shoreline. In addition, the buffer zone would be pushed to 1 mile out from August 1st to October 31st to provide protection for spawning red drum.

As we’ve previously documented, large-scale harvesting in the billions of pounds is currently taking place within close distance – sometimes yards – of the shoreline.  The nearshore area is where large numbers of red drum, speckled trout, spanish mackerel and numerous other species gather to spawn, and in the process, require pogies as vital nutrition for their spawning biomass. In addition to removing this vital food source, there have been many documented cases of bycatch of thousands of mature redfish.

Louisiana is the ONLY coastal state that does not have a harvest exclusion zone or a harvest limit. Among Gulf states, Texas has a one-half mile buffer and very strict limits in total harvest, Mississippi and Alabama have a one-mile buffer, and Florida does not allow any harvest in state waters.

Previous bills had plenty of support in both the House and Senate, but ran into strong opposition in the Senate Natural Resources Committee, where a trio of legislators – including the Committee Chairman – were able to stifle the bill so it never got to the Governor’s desk prior to the end of the session. With this being an election year, and an overwhelming public support for some moderate restrictions, there is hope among conservationists that the third time might be the charm.

The FFI Gulf Coast Council joins CCA Louisiana, Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership, and numerous other organizations in support of HB576. We strongly encourage our members and everyone else in the fly fishing community to contact their legislators and ask for their approval of HB576.

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Classic registration goes public, adds new Facebook group

Yesterday public registration for our inaugural Gulf Coast Classic – set for May 5th and 6th in Gulf Shores, Alabama – went live.  Folks can register by going to the Classic website at www.ffigulfcoastclassic.com and clicking on the “Register for the Classic” buttons, or going to the Admission page. Cost is $20 for the entire weekend, and free to all under 18.   Registration also enters you (free) into the Mixed Bag Challenge which kicks off on sunrise Thursday and ends on noon Sunday.

Up until now, registration was limited to contributors such as volunteers, demonstration fly tiers, speakers, sponsors, exhibitors, etc..   This was so these folks could get first opportunity to signup for workshops as well as reserve the low cost dormitory rooms on the campus of the Gulf State Learning Campus.

As of now, all workshops and available dorm rooms are open to anyone who registers – until they book out.

Tickets for Saturday evening’s Fly Fishing Film Tour can also be purchased by clicking on the right side button on the website at www.ffigulfcoastclassic.com.  If you haven’t heard by now, in addtion to being treated to some great fly fishing films,  F3T attendees will have a shot at numerous door prizes including the new Sage R8 Salt fly rod – worth over $1,000!

Another announcement regarding the Classic… a new Facebook group (forum) has been created.  The FFI Gulf Coast Classic Group Share is for potential attendees and others to ask questions, share info, or even discuss fly patterns or strategies for the Mixed Bag.  Here is the link:  www.facebook.com/groups/gccclassic .

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Alabama adds four new reefs to Mobile Bay

What do you do with shoreline protection structure no longer needed? If it’s hard structure like concrete or wire cages, then one application is reefs. Oysters, barnacles, and many other crustaceans find this stuff to be great real estate… a good place to start a new home!

The Nature Conservancy teamed up with the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Mobile County, Dauphin Island Sea Lab, the University of South Alabama and Alabama Gulf Seafood to repurpose material from a shoreline protection project to create four new reefs in Mobile Bay. Funds were obtained from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

The cages used for shoreline protection had taken a beating and were no longer useful purpose. By relocating them to deeper areas – where they sit on the bottom – they serve as great habitat for oysters and other crustaceans. Which in turn, creates a hard-bottom reef attacting various species of fish.

The next phase of the project involved relocating concrete dome habitats. The structures were covered in mussels and oysters and will be used for an artifical reef near Dog River.

In addition to the four new reefs under construction, the Alabama Wildlife Federation purchased another $250,000 worth of rocks to use for two of the new reefs to enhance their oyster productivity.

It’s expected that within one year after completion, the reefs will begin to reach their full potential.   Click on the image above to see the location of the new reefs.

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Gulf Coast Classic website now up

2023 Gulf Coast Classic
Friday-Saturday, May 5-6, 2023
Gulf State Park – Learning Campus
Gulf Shores, Alabama
Website:  www.ffigulfcoastclassic.com

Our inaugural Gulf Coast Classic fly fishing festival now has its own website.  Cohosted by Tail Magazine, this will be the largest fly fishing event on the Gulf Coast.  On the website are complete details about the event including:  admissions, schedule, sponsors, exhibitors, workshops, demonstration fly tiers, speakers and instructors, the Fly Fishing Film Tour (F3T) taking place Saturday evening, the Classic Mixed Bag fishing contest, a map of the Learning Campus, and much more!

There are special opportunities for volunteers, demo fly tiers, speakers and instructors. Registration will be live shortly and details for those interested in making our event a success will be detailed in emails to GCC members and others who have contacted us with interest.

Again, bookmark the Classic site at www.ffigulfcoastclassic.com and visit often as updates will be posted routinely.

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LDWF asks anglers to complete Red Drum Management Survey

The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) has released an online web-based survey to gather public input on Red Drum (redfish) management options.

LDWF is exploring management options for redfish, which based on recent studies, is in jeopardy of being overfished. The survey is an additional effort to collect public input on management options.

LDWF’s most recent assessment of Red Drum back in December showed that while the spawning stock is still above limits, too few fish are surviving to join the offshore spawning population and that requires management changes. The juvenile portion of the Red Drum stock is measured through an “escapement” rate. Escapement is the percentage of redfish that pass through the fishery (only recreational, there is no commercial fishery for Red Drum in Louisiana) from inshore waters as juveniles and make it into the spawning stock offshore. The established escapement rate limit for management is 30%; Louisiana’s escapement rate is currently 20%, indicating too few redfish are surviving to make it offshore to spawn.

You can read more about the assessment, and what the FFI-GCC considers the best conservation-minded solution by going to our December 7th blog posting.

LDWF has compiled several management options. You can learn about these, as well as more details on the current status of redfish at this site:


Go here to take the survey:

Your participation in this survey is confidential. If you have any questions or comments regarding the survey, please direct them to Jack Isaacs at 225-765-2605 or jisaacs@wlf.la.gov.

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RSFF to celebrate 28th fly fishing festival

Red Stick Day fly fishing festival
Saturday, March 4, 2023
8:30am to 3:00pm
LDWF Waddill Outdoor Education Center
4141 North Flannery Rd, Baton Rouge, LA

Hosted by the Red Stick Fly Fishers of Baton Rouge, Red Stick Day is one of the longest-running fly fishing festivals in the South celebrating it’s 28th anniversary. There’s seminars, fly tying demonstrations, casting instruction, food, loads of raffle items, and more. And best of all, admission is free!

The event will again be held at the LDWF Waddill Outdoors Education Center off North Flannery Road. The ponds on the premises are full of big bass and bluegill. In addition, Masseys Outfitters will be on hand with a variety of kayaks from Hobie, Native and other brands for folks to test paddle/pedal.

This year, thanks to the FFI Gulf Coast Council, the headliners will include three of the nation’s top casting instructors: Dave Barron of Wisconsin, Jeff Ferguson from Lafayette, and Jonathon Walter of Colorado. All three are also members of the FFI Casting Board of Governors. If you’ve ever wanted to learn more about any type of casting, or improve your casting skills, this is a grand opportunity to learn from the best! Also on the agenda are programs by Brian Roberts and Dave Barron.

Over a dozen of the region’s top fly tiers will also be on hand to demonstrate their various flies, along with their favorite legacy patterns. There’s also a giant raffle and silent auction featuring one-of-a-kind items, all to benefit the club’s educational projects.

Details about the event, including speaker and tier bios, schedule of activities, and more can be found by going to www.rsff.org and clicking on “Red Stick Day” in the menu.

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Alabama saltwater records fall in 2022

Anglers fishing in Alabama coastal waters broke eleven state records for saltwater species in one year’s time, according to Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (ADCNR). Two of those species were actually broken twice – sheepshead and permit.

Kendale Jeans landed a whopping 16 lb, 6.6 oz sheepshead just months after Kendale Jeans had set the state record with a 14 lb, 4 oz goat. Likewise, Patrick Willis landed an 8 lb, 2.4 oz permit just 10 months after Annalise Wilson set the record with 6 lb, 0.54 oz fish.

Other record fish include: Blackjack 13 lb 1.6 oz, Blackline Tilefish 1 lb 6.4 oz, Horse-eye Jack 30 lbs 4 oz, Jolthead Porgy 9 lbs 2.88 oz, Lizardfish 1 lb 11.2 oz, Red Cornetfish 2 lb 5.4 oz, Silvery John Dory 5 lb 0.28 oz.

While none of these fish were caught on fly, it demonstrates the variety of species and possible catches that can be made in Alabama coastal waters… and for the Mixed Bag Challenge taking place during our Gulf Coast Classic the first week in May.

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