Fly Tying & Brews – A New Tradition

Bugs and Beers posterDuring the pandemic, record numbers of new fly tiers emerged as folks took up hobbies to occupy their abundant spare time. Now in the post-pandemic era, these tiers are looking to establish social connections with fellow feather crafters in their area.

Growing in popularity across the country are casual fly tying gatherings where beer and snacks are involved. These are usually held monthly at local pubs, micro breweries, or locally-owned stores or shops, and are open to the public. There is no organized agenda. In some cases, a featured tier might demonstrate a pattern at the beginning of the event. But for the most part, everyone ties what they want. Attendees can tie, or watch other tiers tie a certain fly. Beginners can watch and learn tying techniques, or borrow one of the spare vises and tools and learn to tie a fly.

These casual “Tying+Beer” events appeal to a younger, more diverse crowd. This is important since statistics from the Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation (RBFF) show that fly fishing participation is at a record high for the age 25-40 demographic, women, Hispanics, and African-Americans.

Although most of these “Tying+Beer” events are not affiliated with local clubs, many are supported by the clubs. One club even provides pizza for the events! In a few cases, the local club will also substitute one or more of their monthly meetings with the Tying+Beer event.

Here in the Gulf Coast Council, there are currently three (3) open tying events.

  • Flies & Flights – Held the 3rd Wednesday of each month at Rally Cap Brewing Company in Baton Rouge, 7:00pm to close.
  • Acadiana Open Tying Night – Usually held the 4th week of the month at Pack & Paddle in Lafayette, 6:00pm to 8:00pm.
  • Bugs & Brews – Held 2nd Wednesday of each month at Skeeta Hawk Brewing in New Orleans. 6:30pm to close. Supported by the New Orleans Fly Fishers. This is a new event for 2023.

For our readers in southwest Georgia, there’s a similiar event in Albany. “Tie Down Wednesday” is held Wednesdays at 6:00pm at Pretoria Fields Collective.

If you know of any other similiar event within the Gulf Coast Council (or just outside our boundaries), please let us know. If you’re looking to startup a “Tying+Beer” event, we can put you in contact with organizers of existing events to help you get started.

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NOFFC releases Expo flyer, new website

2023 New Orleans Fly Fishing Expo
Saturday, January 21st
8:00am to 3:30pm
St. Christopher the Martyr School Gymnasium
3900 Derbigny St, Metairie, LA
Free admission!

For a full size Expo Flyer, CLICK HERE

Hosted by the New Orleans Fly Fishers Club, this biennial event (every odd year) is a celebration of fly fishing, featuring all aspects of our sport. Whether you’re wanting to get into fly fishing, or a seasoned veteran, there’s a program or activity certainly to be of interest.

Activities will include fly casting seminars and demonstrations, fly tying instruction and demos, seminars and destination seminars, Sports Writers Roundtable, Iron Fly Tyer competition, auctions and raffles of top end products and flies, artists and vendors, and Kids Fly Fishing Casting and programs. Proceeds go to benefit the club’s educational and philantrophic initiatives.

NOFFC is the second oldest club in Louisiana, having formed in 1984 by Ted Cabali and Tom Jindra. For nearly four decades, the club has been a major contributor to the growth of saltwater fly fishing and fly tying in Louisiana, with several members well recognized in the regional and national fly tying community.

In preparation for the biennial expo, NOFFC has unveiled a new website. The domain remains the same, but there’s new content. Webmaster Wayne Schnell is still putting the final pieces together, but in addition to the latest club news and a more detailed “Calendar of Events”, the site will also include articles of interest to all fly anglers. Check it out at

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A kayak for Christmas

This past Summer/Fall, the FFI Gulf Coast Council held our 2nd-ever kayak raffle. The prize was a Crescent Kayaks CK1 Venture, one of the hottest new fishing kayaks on the market. Made in the USA, it has received strong reviews for a hull design that optimizes speed, stability and tracking.  With thanks to all who participated, we were able to raise just over a thousand dollars for our conservation and education initiatives.

The drawing was conducted at Gulf State Park, site of our inaugural Gulf Coast Classic, coming up May 4-6. Witnesses included GCC President A.J. Rosenbohm, and GCC board members Donald Dehm, David Buckner, and Catch Cormier.

The winner was Hunter Wilson, of Mansfield, Texas. No sooner than Hunter mentioned to his wife that he’d won a kayak, she wanted one too! So he contacted Crescent and found out about their “factory seconds” sale. So the Wilsons not only got one, but two kayaks for Christmas – a CK1 in the popular Noreaster color and an UltraLite in the Dart color. What do they say about “the family that kayaks together”?.

A very special thank you to Crescent Kayaks for their support of the Gulf Coast Council, and also to Donald Dehm of Floating Feathers Kayak Fly Fishing School for his assistance. For more info about Crescent Kayaks, go to

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Louisiana redfish in jeopardy… what next?

At last Thursday’s monthly meeting of the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission (LWFC), LDWF marine fisheries biologist Jason Adriance gave the most recent assessment on red drum stocks in the state.  The report summarized that, while spawning stocks of redfish are still above the conservation standard, the number has been declining since 2005 as fewer redfish escape to spawning size.  And unless management changes are initiated soon, we could see a situation where the fishery is unsustainable.

Red drum spawning potential ratio

Red drum are unique in that the vast majority of harvest are juvenile fish.  These immature fish are typically under 4 to 5 years of age, under 27 inches in length, and under 10 pounds in weight.  When a redfish reaches 4 to 5 years of age, it usually migrates to nearshore or offshore waters to join the spawning population.  To protect these spawning stocks, recreational harvest of mature redfish in federal waters is not allowed and severely limited in state waters.  Current regulations for Louisiana are 5 fish per day, 16 to 27 inches only, with one exception over 27 inches.

Red drum escapement to spawning stock

By far, redfish are the most popular species among saltwater fly fishermen in the state – and from elsewhere.  Louisiana has been described in numerous publications as the “Redfish Capitol of the World” and supports at least a few dozen flyfishing charter services that put clients on fish in shallow water for a sightcasting experience found only in a few places (mainly Texas and South Carolina).  The state hosts numerous redfish tournaments each year including many kayak tournaments, and has even hosted the prestigious Hobie World Championship event.  Most of these events have in recent years moved to a CPR format for conservation purposes.

Scenario 1: Increase escapement based on creel only

The assessment came as no surprise to veteran redfish anglers.  There’s been loads of anecdotal evidence to support that fishing for reds “ain’t what it used to be”.   Coming just months after an assessment on spotted seatrout (specks) that indicated management changes were needed for that species as well, the reasons given for specks being much the same for redfish.   Those include:  loss of habitat (especially diverse habitat), decline of available forage (yep, that menhaden issue again), and increased fishing pressure.  Regarding the latter, it should be noted that the current regulations ( 5 fish per day, 16 to 27 inches only, with one exception over 27 inches)  were established 34 years ago in 1988.  The numbers of saltwater anglers in the state, the amount of fishing effort, and the expertise and technology to improve fishing success have all increased dramatically since then.

Management thresholds for red drum have been established by the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council  (GMFMC).   For Louisiana, the conservation standard is a 20 percent spawning potential ratio, based on a 30 percent escapement rate.  While currently we have a 40 percent SPR, the escapement rate estimate is 20 percent.  And because there is a time lag between escapement and recruitment, this means we’ll likely see a further decline in fishing for a few years until any restrictive measures kick in.

Scenario 2: Increase escapement going to 18″ min slot but retaining 1 over maximum

Adriance and his team also provided the Commission with numerous scenarios for management changes to get red drum back above the conservation standards.  These came in the form of tables and graphs with different harvest numbers, slot sizes, and retaining or removing the one-exception over the maximum slot size.  The charts shown on the left are a few of the ones we think point to a case where the most benefit with the least amount of “pain”.

To summarize, it appears that increasing the minimum size length from 16 to 18 inches has much more benefit than lowering the maximum size of 27 inches.  Also, there appears to be less benefit moving the minimum up above 18.  Lowering the daily creel from 5 to 4 … or even 3 fish has ample benefit as well.  Surprisingly, a significant benefit comes from eliminating the one daily exception above the maximum slot limit.

Scenario 3: Increase escapement going to 18″ min slot but eliminating one over max

Looking at the charts, one can see that, if the new regulation were to be 3 fish per day, 18 to 27 inches, with no exception above 27 inches, then redfish SPR and escapement should once again be above the conservation standard in a few years.

The FFI GCC Conservation Committee will meet shortly to discuss the Louisiana redfish issue, and hopefully come up with a recommendation that will best serve to bring the species to quick recovery while giving our members a quality fishery for decades to come.

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Buckner elected to FFI Tying Group BOD

At the FFI Virtual Expo, Gulf Coast Council board member David Buckner of Ocean Springs, MS, was announced as the newest member to the Fly Fishers International (FFI) Fly Tying Group (FTG) Board of Directors. In addition, he will serve on the FTG Executive Committee as Secretary. David joins Fred Hannie of Lake Charles – our GCC Vice President and Tying Chairman – as members to the FTG Board.

The mission of the FTG is to share opportunities for the fly tying community to learn new or enhance their current skills. This is accomplished through tying demonstrations at events, maintaining a comprehensive video library, teaching fly tying online, having a database of tiers for clubs and events, providing a skills awards program, and sharing experiences through a periodic newsletter.

David is both of a member of the Historic Ocean Springs Saltwater Fly Fishing Club (HOSSFly) and Eastern Shore Fly Fishers (ESFF). He retired from executive management at Mississippi Power and Southern Company in 2018, and has served on numerous civic and charitable boards, including Boy Scouts, United Way, Walter Anderson Museum of Art, and many more. David is an accomplished tier, with a wide repertoire of patterns from salmon flies to trout flies, and to his specialty, saltwater patterns.  Earlier this year, he was honored with the GCC Excellence in Education Award.  He was elected to the GCC board in 2021 and currently serves as Planning Director for the inaugural Gulf Coast Classic scheduled for May 5-6, at Gulf State Park in Gulf Shores.

Please join us in congratulating David on his selection, and best wishes as he helps guide the Group towards future endeavors.

Speaking of future endeavors… the FTG announced at the Expo several initatives for the coming year. Those included:

  • a certification program for fly tying instruction, the purpose of which would be to provide tying instructors with a framework for successful teaching techniques
  • participation at major fly fishing shows across the country
  • a youth fly tying program
  • an annual Fly Tying Group Rendezvous. The first one will be held September 15-16, 2023, in Branson, Missouri. Details to be announced in coming months.
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Final days for our kayak raffle

A reminder that our 2022 GCC Kayak Raffle ends this Monday, November 14th at midnight.  If you haven’t bought tickets yet, or looking to improve your odds of winning by purchasing a few more, please don’t hesitate.  For one, your chances of winning our kayak are a million times better than winning the Powerball.   Besides, do you really need $800 million dollars and the headache of dealing with 87,000 IRS agents?  When all you really need is a great fishing kayak?  Go to our “Raffle” page and check out why the Crescent CK1 is the hottest paddle yak on the market!

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FFI Virtual Expo this weekend!

FFI Virtual Expo
Friday-Sunday, November 4-6
$25 registration
some workshops require fee

* Online auctions currently open

Registration for the Expo remains open. The online Expo offers presentations, fly tying demonstrations, live casting instruction, workshops, auctions, vendor videos, and more. In addition to being an educational function, the Expo is also a major fundraising source for the FFI. Cost is $25 for members and $60 for non-members (includes FFI membership). Some workshops require an additional fee and have limited space.

Once you register, you’ll be asked to download the Whova event app. It’s a great tool for organizing the presentations, workshops, tying demonstrations or vendor presentations you wish to attend.

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Toledo Bend Rendezvous this weekend

A reminder that this weekend is Rendezvous at North Toledo Bend State Park in Zwolle, LA.  For 33 years, one of the longest running casual gatherings of fly tiers in the country!  Open to everyone, whether you tie flies or just enjoy watching.  The group facilities allow for overnight stays at a highly discounted rate.

If you read our blog post back in July, or follow our posts on Facebook, then you know it’s never too late to make plans to attend.  For complete details, go to

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